Atlas CWI Training Course

Online training for parts A, B and C of the AWS CWI Exam

Why Atlas CWI Training?

  • 48 hour money back guarantee eliminates your risk
  • 120 day course access provides extended preparation time
  • Audio Flashcards let you train while driving or relaxing
  • Quiz question banks provide exam type questions
  • Timed/simulated exams prepare you for the real thing
  • Professionally developed courses are created and reviewed by field experts
  • Instructor support is available when you need help
  • Online convenience lets you set your own schedule and study at your own pace
  • Pass on your first try or take the course again for free

Weld Replicas for CWI Part B are now availabe for puchase or rental

AWS CWI Online Training Course

Atlas offers the very best in online training and preparation for the CWI Exam. If you are looking for a NO BS online learning program then do not hesitate to go to Atlas Training, you will not regret it one bit. Thanks for helping me achieve my goal.
Paul Creighton

Welcome to the Atlas AWS CWI Online Training Course. This online course is designed to provide you with the easiest way to learn the AWS CWI exam study material that you will need to know to pass the exam. Our online learning platform allows you to study from anywhere there is an internet connection. You can start and stop at will and repeat the material as often as you like.

The lessons are set up as PowerPoint presentations with a voice-over from the instructor. The lesson quizzes are loaded with AWS CWI questions and answers that will help prepare you for the exam while building your confidence. Some questions and answers are read and recorded on audio flashcards. These audio flashcards can be played while driving, working, or just relaxing. This is exclusive to Atlas and is not offered by other AWS CWI schools.

It takes many hours to prepare for the exam properly. Our online course will not waste your time learning material that will not be covered on the exam. Our CWI courses include practice packages covering all the critical AWS CWI exam study materials. The courses cover only the vital information. There is a lot of stuff to learn in a 5 or 10-day AWS CWI seminar given by some AWS CWI schools.

The AWS CWI exam pass rate is from 25 to 30 percent for the first attempt, and this is due to a lack of adequate preparation. Proper preparation for this exam requires a great deal of dedication and time. There is a lot of material available to study in preparation for the exam. Our 60-hour full CWI course provides a student a proper course structure and will not cover unimportant material to unnecessarily lengthen the course. Our goal is to increase the AWS CWI exam pass rate of our students to 100%. For those that do not pass the first time, the course will be available again for free.

With this course, you can prepare for the Parts A, B, and C of the CWI exam on your own time. There is no need to miss work and spend a lot of money traveling for conventional classroom training. Below is a breakdown of the course curriculum that is covered.

Weld Replicas

weld replicas set and inspector toolkit

Atlas now offers a 5 piece replica set and 10 piece inspection toolkit to supplement our AWS CWI online training courses.

The replica set and toolkit provide extra hands-on training for the CWI Part B exam. The questions that apply to the replicas are found in our CWI or Part B study materials (Full CWI Course, CWI Part B Course, Full CWI Practice Package, CWI Part B Practice Package).

Replicas Can Be Purchased Separately

The replica set (with or without tools) can be ordered as a stand-alone product to supplement any CWI Part B exam prep course.

Visit the Replica Page for more information.

Course Curriculum

9 Lessons and quizzes plus over 500 questions built into interactive question banks, simulated/timed exams and audio flashcards.

Topics Covered In Part A:

  1. Welding Inspection and Certification
  2. Safe Practices for Welding Inspectors
  3. Metal Joining and Cutting Processes
  4. Weld Joint Geometry and Welding Symbols
  5. Documents Governing Welding Inspection and Qualification
  6. Metal Properties and Destructive Testing
  7. Welding Metallurgy for the Welding Inspector
  8. Weld and Base Metal Discontinuities
  9. Visual Inspection and Other NDE Methods and Symbols

7 lessons and quizzes plus over 700 questions built into an interactive question bank on a book of exhibits and on the 2017 Book of Specifications

  1. General Requirements
  2. Workmanship Requirements and Visual Inspection Acceptance Criteria – Structural Steel
  3. Workmanship Requirements and Visual Inspection Acceptance Criteria – Pipeline
  4. Workmanship Requirements and Visual Inspection Acceptance Criteria – Pressure Piping
  5. Procedure Qualification Requirements
  6. Performance Qualification Requirements
  7. Annexes I through X (A-numbers, F-numbers, M-numbers, Bend Specimen Preparation Requirements, Pipe Schedule Table, Blank WPS, Blank PQR, and Blank WQTR)

Your course will contain either Part C: API 1104 or Part C: AWS D1.1, not both.

13 lessons and quizzes plus over 400 questions on the API 1104 built into interactive question banks and simulated/timed exams

  1. Scope
  2. Normative References
  3. Terms, Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
  4. Specifications
  5. Qualification of Welding Procedures with Filler Metal Additions
  6. Qualification of Welders
  7. Design and Preparation of a Joint for Production Welding
  8. Inspection and Testing of Production Welds
  9. Acceptance Standards for NDT
  10. Repair and Removal of Weld Defects
  11. Procedures for NDT
  12. Mechanized Welding with Filler Metal Additions
  13. Automatic Welding Without Filler Metal Additions

Annex A (normative) Alternative Acceptance Standards for Girth Welds
Annex B (normative) In-service Welding


9 lessons and quizzes plus over 400 questions on the AWS D1.1 built into interactive question banks and simulated/timed exams

  1. General Requirements
  2. Design of Welded Connections
  3. Prequalification of WPSs
  4. Qualification
  5. Fabrication
  6. Inspection
  7. Stud Welding
  8. Strengthening and Repair of Existing Structures
  9. Tubular Structures

Please Note the Following:

Our goal at Atlas is to provide you the necessary tools to pass the AWS CWI certification exam the very first time you try. Many of our students have considered themselves more hands-on when it comes to training courses. After taking our online training courses, these students have discovered that not only is online training a more economical way to prepare for a certification exam, but that online training is just a better way to learn the material. With the online training course, the student can start and stop whenever he/she may want. Students may also progress at their own pace, repeat material when needed, and use the interactive quizzes to train. This is by far the easiest way to study. The Atlas 48 hour money back guarantee means that you can check out the course with zero risks. If you are not happy with your purchase, we will gladly refund your money with no questions asked.