course as $course) { $date_now = new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("America/Chicago")); $date_now->setTime(18, 0, 0); if((int)$course->id !== 1) continue; $break_outer = false; foreach($course->sessions->session as $session) { foreach($session->classes->class as $class) { if((int)$class['section'] === 1) // Is Part A class { $classdate = new DateTime($class->classtime, new DateTimeZone('America/Chicago')); $classdate->setTime(18, 0, 0); if($classdate > $date_now) { $break_outer = true; } break; } } if($break_outer) break; } if($classdate) { $diff = $date_now->diff($classdate); //$elapsed = $diff->format('%y years %m months %a days %h hours %i minutes %s seconds'); //var_dump($elapsed); //var_dump($classdate); if($diff->d < 14 && $diff->d > 0 && $diff->m === 0) { $d = $diff->d; // + 1; $d_str = ($d === 1) ? $d . ' day': $d . ' days'; $next_str = 'Next live session starts in ' . $d_str; }else { $next_str = 'Next live session starts on ' . $classdate->format("F jS"); } } } } ?>

Atlas CWI Training Course: Part A - Fundamentals

Online training for Part A of the AWS CWI Exam

Why Atlas CWI Training?

I especially like the way the modules are set up to give you an overview of the body of knowledge and then followed up by more in-depth lessons on each section. All of the calculations are explained well and the examples given are easy to follow.
Elliott Puana-Martin

Overview of the CWI Part A Course Material

Welcome to the Atlas exam prep course for the AWS CWI Part A exam. This online course will prepare you for the fundamentals portion of this exam. The fee for the Part A online course is $399.

Course Curriculum

9 Lessons and quizzes plus over 500 questions built into interactive question banks, simulated/timed exams and audio flashcards.

Topics Covered In Part A:

  1. Welding Inspection and Certification
  2. Safe Practices for Welding Inspectors
  3. Metal Joining and Cutting Processes
  4. Weld Joint Geometry and Welding Symbols
  5. Documents Governing Welding Inspection and Qualification
  6. Metal Properties and Destructive Testing
  7. Welding Metallurgy for the Welding Inspector
  8. Weld and Base Metal Discontinuities
  9. Visual Inspection and Other NDE Methods and Symbols

Please Note the Following:

Our goal at Atlas is to provide you the necessary tools to pass the AWS CWI certification exam the very first time you try. Many of our students have considered themselves more hands-on when it comes to training courses. After taking our online training courses, these students have discovered that not only is online training a more economical way to prepare for a certification exam, but that online training is just a better way to learn the material. With the online training course, the student can start and stop whenever he/she may want. Students may also progress at their own pace, repeat material when needed, and use the interactive quizzes to train. This is by far the easiest way to study. The Atlas 48 hour money back guarantee means that you can check out the course with zero risks. If you are not happy with your purchase, we will gladly refund your money with no questions asked.